Hi! - The upcoming blog series
Apart from the release notes there haven’t been many news, updates or articles ‘lately’ on our blog. To revive it a little bit and to give you more insights and show what FreeRDP is and can be used for, we are starting a blog series called:
Hi! …
The idea behind this series is to provide an overview of the FreeRDP project, its history and components. We would also like to get some feedback on how FreeRDP is used by other people and projects.
So if you work with FreeRDP, use it in a project or anywhere else we invite you to share your experience with us. To do that, either create a pull request against https://github.com/FreeRDP/freerdp.github.io with a post or contact us via email to team (at) freerdp (dot) com .
The series will start in January 2019. Stay tuned for the upcoming articles. We are looking forward to hear from you!